Vice-Chancellor’s end of year message

Vice Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton

Dear colleagues,

As the close of 2017 draws near and we finish off all those tasks on the to-do list,or add them to next year’s list, I write to send my warmest good wishes to each and every member of the Macquarie University community for a holiday season filled with joy, rest and restoration.

Whether this is a time of vacation for you or that happens at another time of the year, I hope that there will be at least some time for reflection on the remarkable year of progress this has been for our University.

2017 has been a very busy year. Many accomplishments are evident all around.  The quest for continued improvements in our existing teaching programs has continued apace, while several new programs have been designed. Our performance in research remains strong, while we continue to be challenged overall in securing extramural support for our discovery mission. Several major campus development projects are happening around us – the new Central Courtyard, Chemistry Building and the Arts Precinct. This current work follows on the rehabilitation of one of our major Science buildings and the opening of the Incubator and alternative food service venues during this year.

Our engagement in supporting entrepreneurship within the University has accelerated rapidly with a diverse array of programs centred around the new Incubator building. Our relations with corporate partners have deepened and broadened both within and beyond MPID. These relationships are helping not only with research collaborations but also with the expansion of PACE opportunities. The PACE program remains a huge asset to Macquarie University and will be key as we work further on the employability aspects of our education mission.

Our visibility and performance around the world continues to grow – continued healthy recovery of the international student cohort, increased outbound activity for our students, deepening relationships for collaborative research with leading institutions across many continents and further substantiation of our leadership position in the cotutelle PhD space.

These and so many more accomplishments have marked 2017. As we focus on the work ahead for the next five years and beyond, it is pleasing to report that our review of the Framing of Futures shows that it remains a robust framework for charting our path forward. The Executive Group has been working on the areas of focus for the next couple of years and we will report more on that in the New Year.

I thank every member of the University community for your dedicated service to our mission during 2017. I look forward, as always with a great sense of anticipation, to our work in the New Year. During the forthcoming break, I encourage you to relax, enjoy the company around you, and take time to do things that you enjoy and make you happy. I look forward to seeing you and working with you in 2018.

With warm good wishes,






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