10 questions with… Raymond Trau


Raymond Trau (he/him) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management who is heavily involved in advocacy for diversity and inclusion.

Trau is part of the executive committee of the MQ Ally Network and the Macquarie Business School Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. He is also currently serving in the Research Committee of the Diversity Council Australia and previously served on the advisory board of Pride in Diversity.

His research focuses on diversity and inclusion. He is particularly interested in the impact of psychological and contextual influences on the workplace experiences of women, minorities and stigmatised groups, and the extent to which these experiences shape their wellbeing, work attitudes, career development and job performance. He is the Co- Author of Coming Out at Work, a report that presents the evidence about what it means to be out at work, and what organisations can do to make everyone feel included.

1. Something you feel proud of

Being able to pass on my knowledge and expertise in diversity and inclusion to my students through my teaching.

2. A person you admire at Macquarie, and why

My colleague, Professor Rebecca Mitchell, who is a visionary and so driven. Her energy gives me aspiration and motivation to accomplish my goals.

3. What you need to do your best work

Positive energy from team members.

4. Something you’ve read recently that has had an impact on you

A book by Karen Loon on inclusion in the workplace. I realised your family or upbringing can have a tremendous impact on your choice of roles and leadership at work.


5. A favourite photo from your camera roll

State Library of South Australia

6. Where you live and what you like about living there

Seven Hills – as it is nearby to some major highways, and my neighbours are so lovely and down to earth.

7. Why do pronouns matter?

Because it shows our respect to people’s gender identity.

 8. How can pronouns help create an inclusive work environment?

It reminds people that gender identity isn’t always obvious and visible and hence people should not assume. Also, using a person’s correct pronouns shows that we respect and value their identity and uniqueness.

 9. What can staff do on International Pronouns Day and everyday to be more inclusive at work?

Staff can remind their colleagues on the day about the importance of pronouns at work, in particular, how it makes a difference to others and creates an inclusive working environment.

 10. What can teaching staff do to create an inclusive environment for students?

Have pronouns visible where possible (email signature, LinkedIn, Zoom ID, etc). It is equally important to avoid using gender binary language in their teaching, including in teaching/learning materials.





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  1. Thank you for sharing your ideas relevant to contemporary workplace culture and recommending what sounds like a great book.

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