A message from the Vice-Chancellor

Vice Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton

For more than 50 years Macquarie University has inspired, engaged and connected our students, staff, and partners with a world of possibilities.

We’ve always seen the potential and embraced innovation in learning and teaching, in research, and in finding new ways to multiply the power of our resources.

Now we are future-proofing Macquarie University by building a dynamic, sustainable world-class campus, one that features our unique parkland setting, inspiring architecture and design, vibrant public spaces and life-changing experiences.

Our Campus Development Plan is part of a significant investment in shaping the future, and includes projects such as the new Arts Precinct and 1 Central Courtyard redevelopment, which have already begun.

We are creating a place where learning opportunities are multiplied by a campus with porous boundaries designed for interaction and collaboration at the heart of the Macquarie Park Innovation District.

While maintaining respect for the foresight of Wally Abraham’s planning vision, there will be major improvements – to amenity, convenience, connectivity and accessibility, green spaces and sustainability.

These changes will create a new sense of place for the longer term, and a campus that is evolving to support our students and research. We aim to exceed the expectations of our community and corporate partners, and advance the MPID’s digital, business and medical technology sectors.

The University’s Campus Development Plan is connecting people and enhancing their collaboration, learning and research outcomes so that Macquarie continues to play a leading role as a place-maker, education provider, research institute and employer, both now and into the future.

This special report updates you on recent work to progress the vision of the Campus Development Plan.  Any comments or feedback are welcome on campusdevelopment@mq.edu.au.





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  1. Thank you for the image of the plan for the Central Courtyard in the Vice Chancellor’s update of the Campos Development Plan last Feb 12.
    I notice that in the image mentioned there are boxed areas for plants and trees, but only paved areas directly available for use by people. To facilitate greater use and enjoyment of the area, would it not be possible to replace some of the boxed areas, which are after all only decorative, with some grassed area for people to sit or lie on, which has been a part of the Macquarie student experience of re-connecting with the environment?

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