60 seconds with… Ron Claassens



It’s been nearly 40 years since Building Service Manager Ron Claassens’ first day at Macquarie, and he’s still finding ways to keep his job interesting. A lunchtime Tae Kwon Do instructor on campus, he recently earned the highly acclaimed seventh Dan ranking and has been accredited in Korea as an internationally recognised instructor and examiner. We checked in to learn more about him.

In a nutshell, my job is to…
Look after the building and service for the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

The question I hear most often in my work is…
Can you put access on my staff card?

If I could do any other job at Macquarie it would be…
Project manager for Property.

I get my campus coffee fix from…
Baggett and Grill.

If I could change anything about Macquarie, it would be…
Introduce a four-day work week.

Outside work, you’ll often find me…
Training and teaching Tae Kwon Do.

I’m really looking forward to…
Travelling to Japan for a friend’s wedding next year.

The most amazing place I’ve ever visited is…
Korea – I loved the culture, the people and of course Tae Kwon Do.

If I could have dinner with anyone (living or dead), it would be…
David Bowie. I’ve always been a fan.

In 10 years from now, I hope to be…
Retired and living in between Bali and Bundaberg in Queensland.





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    1. thanks Ken, it will give me great pleasure to wrap a black belt around your waist in the near future. Persistance pays off , keep kicking my friend.

  1. Ron is very valued member of staff for us. I like Ron’s attitude and kindness towards all people. He shows respects for all in all situation. He spreads kindness to all and that is priceless.

    1. I follow the motto of what goes around , comes around. So by spreading kindness through acts of kindness creates a domino effect throughout the faculty 🙂

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