Pop Quiz: how well do you know Macquarie?


Think you know who’s who at Macquarie? Challenge your workmates and put your knowledge to the test with our quiz.

  1. Which office manages donations to Macquarie?
  2. The Master of Cyber Security is offered by which faculty?
  3. Which team can be found in a little brown cottage on the edge of the campus?
  4. What was the name of Macquarie’s first female Vice-Chancellor (and the first female Vice-Chancellor at an Australian university)?
  5. Who is Macquarie’s Chief Information Officer?
  6. Who is the University Librarian?
  7. Which team is responsible for managing the two child care centres on campus?
  8. Which Executive Dean has been at Macquarie the longest?
  9. Which office works with researchers to help them take their innovations to the commercial market?
  10. What is the name of the unit that works to attract students from backgrounds that are traditionally under-represented in the tertiary sector?
  11. What does ‘PACE’ stand for?
  12. Who is the current chair of the Academic Senate?
  13. E4A (4 Eastern Road) is home to which faculty?
  14. Name one of the ARC Centres of Excellence where Macquarie University is the lead institution or hosts a major node.
  15. Name three of Macquarie University’s 17 current Distinguished Professors (1 point for each)
  16. What is the name of the centralised unit that supports enhancements in learning and teaching?
  17. Professor Peter Nelson is the Pro Vice-Chancellor of what?
  18. What is the name of the team that is responsible for recruitment of domestic students into undergraduate programs?
  19. How many members of the Executive are qualified medical doctors?
  20. The University’s seven strategic priorities are outlined in which document?

How did you go? Check your answers here and tell us your score in the comments below. 

Want to test yourself further? Try the Macquarie acronyms quiz.





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