Recycle your old phone or tablet on campus


Australians buy new phones and tablets every 18 to 24 months, which means e-waste is one of the fastest growing types of waste in Australian landfills.

Metals used to make these devices are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which increases animal-human conflict, particularly with chimpanzees.

To reduce e-waste and the need to extract new minerals, the Jane Goodall Institute Australia (JGIA) recycles mobile phones, tablets and their chargers, no matter their condition.

The money from the old devices is used by the Institute for conservation and education programs in Australia and elsewhere in the world, including the DRC.

Mobile phone and tablet recycling boxes will be hosted during business hours from 15 – 25 May at the following locations:

  • Department of Biological Sciences (Level 2, E8B)
  • Centre for Environmental Law (W3A)
  • Department of Linguistics (C5A 522)
  • Department of Economics (E4A-442)
  • Accommodation Office, Campus Life (Level 1, Campus Hub Building, Gymnasium Road)

All phones are data-wiped and factory reset before reuse. Before donating, use the factory reset option to delete all of your data (it’s device specific but the product webpage will have instructions) and remove the devices from their iCloud accounts (if applicable).

(ipad:; iphone:

Want to become involved in conservation projects or want more details about phone recycling? Check out the JGIA Roots and Shoots website.





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