10 questions with… Janet Harrison


Janet Harrison became a member of the MQ Health Consumer Advisory Committee in June 2020 and chair in March 2022.

Established in 2015, the committee plays an important role in supporting MQ Health’s patient-focused approach to healthcare. It achieves this by developing policies and patient feedback surveys and establishing volunteer programs, among other initiatives. Find out more about the committee. 

1. Something you’d like staff to know about

MQ Health has a very active Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC). The committee is a great place for staff to take ideas, projects and other health-related concepts to receive feedback from a consumer perspective. We have recently developed and launched the Consumer Partnership Framework, which we co-developed with MQ Health. The framework is the perfect place to start to find out about how to engage and partner with consumers to improve patient care. 

2. Something you feel proud of

The CAC gave some great constructive feedback for a brochure about wound care after hospital discharge. The final version of this brochure after our input was made simpler to meet the health literacy needs of patients and showed us as a committee how much value our opinion and feedback had. 

3. A person you admire at Macquarie and why 

That’s a hard one because I have at least three: 

  1. Jane Goodwin-Moore (volunteer manager)  
  2. Dr Karen Shaw (breast surgeon) 
  3. Ruth Cho (McGrath breast care nurse)

They all have the same characteristics. They are all kind, caring people who have the ability to listen to, work in partnership with and support people whether they are patients or volunteers. 

4. What you need to do your best work 

Having like-minded consumers and staff who are truly committed to consumer engagement as a partnership, who work together as a team and understand that together we can improve patients’ experiences and outcomes.

5. Something you’ve read recently that has had an impact on you

My favourite book, Stay Alive, My Son, is about a Cambodian man who loses his entire family to the Khmer Rouge. He and his wife had to leave their son behind in a hospital so that they themselves could try to escape Cambodia to Thailand. I can’t ever imagine having to make that choice. He ended up losing his wife in a forest fire on the way to Thailand. This book puts life into perspective and makes you realise what a lucky country we live and bring our children up in.

6. A favourite photo from your camera roll 

Finish line of the 80km Sydney to the Gong Ride for MS in 2022. Had only arrived back from the UK five days before. I think my face says it all, pure relief. Feel free to sponsor me this year. 


7. The first person you go to for advice and why 

Peter, my partner of 32 years. He’s impartial and never afraid to say it how it is. He always tells the truth, even when I don’t want to hear it, and is my biggest support.

8. Where you live and what you like about living there 

We live in Concord. I love it. It’s central to just about everything other than the beach (the one downside) and it’s where the majority of my friends live. It’s such a peaceful suburb, and we are lucky enough to back onto a beautiful reserve and enjoy the peaceful outlook every single day.

9. Something you’re trying to do differently in 2023 

Accept there are some things I cannot change and be comfortable with that.

10. I’m happiest when … 

When my family and their partners are all home for dinner and a good chat.





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