Help needed to employ more students

Student Employment is seeking jobs suitable for students or recent graduates.

If you are recruiting, whether for casual, part-time or full-time roles, please contact

Student Employment creates opportunities for our students and provides an easier recruitment process for staff looking to fill positions. With an extensive database of skilled and talented students and recent graduates, the Student Employment team can help you find the right talent for your team, with services ranging from advertising positions to motivated jobseekers to shortlisting appropriate candidates.

Recently, for example, the team advertised a casual role for a student to assist with the upcoming Jobs Happy Hour event and received more than 300 applications, many of them from outstanding candidates.

Student Employment is also looking for opportunities for international students and for students with a disability. Typically, these student cohorts face more challenges in gaining meaningful entry-level opportunities to add to their resumes and in turn, usually have lower graduate outcomes. Macquarie can lead by example and find opportunities for these students to assist in their career journeys.

Staff can further support our students by referring Student Employment to a friend or colleague. If you know someone who needs to hire a student or graduate, please encourage them to contact the Student Employment team. For more information, visit the Employer Connect portal.





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