Hearing impairment in Adults: longitudinal outcomes study

Do you wear hearings aids and/or cochlear implants? Take part in the Hearing impairment in Adults: Longitudinal Outcomes Study (HALOS) to help Macquarie hearing researchers understand the health and social impacts of hearing loss. Volunteers will receive a $30 gift card for taking part.

HALOS aims to evaluate the impacts of treating hearing loss on health, quality of life, cognition, depression/mood, functional status, interpersonal relationships, education and work.

Researchers are looking for volunteers to take part who are:

  • Aged 40 years and over
  • Wear a hearing device (hearing aid or cochlear implant) in at least one ear
  • Sufficient in English to complete the survey
  • Able to give informed consent

Eligible volunteers will complete a 60-minute online or paper-based survey on health and social outcomes, and a 15-minute online cognitive assessment which involves some thinking tasks.

There is also an optional phone interview to discuss your hearing health journey that will take 20-30 minutes. You will be reimbursed with a $30 Coles-Myer gift card at the end of the study.

For more information, contact the HALOS Research Team via phone, text message or email.

M: 0481 863 983 E: halosresearch@mq.edu.au

HREC Project #11262





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