Staff member elections: nominations now open

Elections for staff members to the University Council, Academic Senate and Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences Faculty Board are approaching, with nominations now open.

For more information on these elections please see the following links:

What current members have to say about being a staff representative on one of the University’s governance bodies:


“Being a member of University Council is a privilege, and a responsibility that entails consideration of a broad range of issues impacting Macquarie. The position has enabled me to see the operations of the University through a very different lens, and better understand the competing and, at times, conflicting priorities that the University must balance. I value the opportunity to provide my perspective on a variety of matters impacting staff and students, and to have a voice in the direction of our University.”

–  Benjamin Dougall, elected Professional Staff Member of University Council. 


I have valued being a member of Academic Senate because it has given me a greater perspective on the issues and problems that affect other parts of the University, of which I was previously unaware. The scope of the University’s activities is impressive, and I appreciate meeting and working with a range of people from across the University both on Senate and in its committees.”

Professor Judith Dawes, elected academic staff member from Faculty of Science and Engineering on Academic Senate.





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