10 questions with… Hamid Yahyaei


Hamid Yahyaei is a passionate financial economist who has traded (pardon the pun) life as a financial analyst for full-time academia as a PhD candidate,  specialised lecturer and senior research assistant in the Department of Applied Finance.

1. Something you feel proud of
Completing my Master of Research in Applied Finance to a high standard last year, while simultaneously managing a heavy teaching load and working on research with my colleagues.

2. Something you’d like staff to know about
I’ve had the recent pleasure of developing elective units for the MQBS Financial Markets Certificate program in partnership with the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA).

The certificate provides a benchmark industry-based qualification for individuals working within Australia’s traded financial markets. I look forward to teaching the program later this year.

3. A Macquarie person you admire
There are too many people I admire to name them all! Some of the most inspirational people I’ve worked with would have to be my dear friends Professor Tom Smith, Associate Professor Abhay Singh, Dr Lurion De Mello, Dr Prashan Karunaratne and Professor Sean Turnell.

4. A favourite photo from your camera roll
Taken on a frosty morning during the lockdown last year – I did some exercise around the campus and it was eerily quiet.


5. The first person you go to for advice
Before working full-time in academia, I worked in the financial industry for one of the top performing credit funds in Australia. My mentor and boss, Damien Wood, taught me a lot of the knowledge I now pass onto students. He is the first person I go to for any advice, professional or personal.

6. Something you’ve read recently that has had an impact on you
Complete Self-Help for Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes. Dr Weekes was an Australian general practitioner who made significant contributions to managing stress and anxiety. I highly recommend her book for anyone who wants to learn to manage their stress levels.

7. A personal quality you value in others
Intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness. It is one thing to have an opinion, it is another to appreciate counterarguments. Reflecting on the views of others is the best way to grow your knowledge.

8. Your definition of success
Making a marginal improvement in my capabilities each day. Whether it is research, teaching, or other goals in my life, I wake up each morning trying to be a better person than I was yesterday.

9. I’m happiest when…
My several thousand lines of R code actually works!

10. Something you’re trying to do differently in 2021
I’m trying to take it a little easier! I am committed to my work but this year I want to relax and enjoy the process as much as I can.





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