10 questions with… Jacqueline Phillips


Meet Macquarie’s new Academic Senate Chair Jacqueline Phillips, a Professor of Neurophysiology in the Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Jacqueline has taken over the reins from outgoing Chair Mariella Herberstein, who has been appointed to the role of interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

Prior to joining Macquarie in 2009, Jacqueline trained as a veterinarian at the University of Sydney and after a couple of years in practice went back and did her PhD at the Australian National University. She also undertook postdoctoral and academic positions in Auckland, New Zealand and Perth.

“My research is in autonomic and sensory neuroscience, focused on how the brain controls the cardiovascular system and how this goes wrong in kidney disease,” Jacqueline explains.

“The goal of my work is to reduce the risk of death for sufferers of kidney disease, and in particular patients with a condition called polycystic kidney disease, by reducing their risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.”

Jacqueline is excited to get cracking in her new role and meet the challenges that COVID-19 has thrown at the higher education industry.

1. In a nutshell, my new job is to…
Lead the Academic Senate to ensure that as a University, we do our best possible job in continually striving for excellence in how we undertake learning, teaching and research.

2. My definition of success is…
That no-one realises how good a job we are doing, because good governance means we don’t end up on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald. And more seriously, that I can effectively engage the members of Academic Senate and the wider University community to achieve both our short-term and long-term goals in assuring the quality of what we do.

3. A person at Macquarie who inspires me is…
Associate Professor Ann Goodchild. Ann was one of the reasons I came to Macquarie and while she has now retired, she has been a mentor for me (probably without knowing it) since I undertook my first postdoctoral job. I was continually inspired by her passion for research, commitment to her work, and her sheer strength of character and personality.

4. This year I want to…
Get to really understand my new role and meet the challenges that COVID-19 has thrown at us in both undergraduate and postgraduate education.

5. The scariest thing I’ve ever done is…
Give birth the first time…and rock climb.

6. As a kid, I was…
Always getting into trouble bringing home stray animals to keep.

7. My guilty pleasure is…
Streets Blue Ribbon ice cream with (lots of) caramel sauce and slivered almonds.

8. I’m scared of…
Not much really – I am worried about the impact of COVID-19 and that we aren’t doing enough to stop the effects of climate change. The bushfires in 2020 and the loss of native wildlife was something I found absolutely devastating.

9. The most important thing I’ve learned in the last five years is…
To trust in my own capabilities and potential.

10. I’m happiest when…
I’m running, cycling or walking my dogs (or maybe it’s when I’m having coffee).





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  1. I am Jackie’s Mum and I am so proud of my daughter. I am not surprised at Jackie’s latest achievement. From the time she was about 3 years of age Jackie demonstrated independent thinking and determination and persistence to achieve her goals. Not to mention her love of animals. Jackie got her first puppy, Lisa the lab/boxer cross for Christmas she was 4 years old and I think it still features as one of the best presents she has ever received.
    Jackie has successfully raised two gorgeous boys as part of the Jackie/Adam team and they are following in her academic steps.

    Congratulations Jackie.

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