10 questions with… Paul Beagle


Student Engagement Accommodation Coordinator Paul Beagle joined Macquarie in March just as the nation started to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“During this time our primary concern has been the student welfare within our residences during this testing time,” Paul explains.

“We have been fortunate enough to partner with Harris Farm, Ryde Council and Red Frogs on an initiative delivering fresh fruit and vegetables to our international residents.

“At the same time, we have strived to ensure that although our residents have been physically isolated through the pandemic, they are virtually connected through online engagements run by both our team and the wider University community.”

Despite starting at Macquarie during such a challenging time, Paul says he’s been amazed at how welcoming the University community has been. We hear about this and more in our chat below.

1. In a nutshell, my job is to…
Coordinate accommodation services within the University. This includes overseeing the University owned/managed properties and liaising with accommodation partners.

2. My definition of success is…
Applying yourself to the best of your abilities within any situation.

3. A person at Macquarie who inspires me is…
Damon Bottrill, the Accommodation Officer within our team. He has a fantastic attitude to work, and always strives to improve the student experience while maintaining staff morale. He has also been hugely supportive since my arrival within the University.

4. This year I want to…
Hopefully finish the house renovations

5. The scariest thing I’ve ever done is…
Bungee jumping. I’m not sure I have ever been as scared as I was standing on the edge of the platform, and the video confirms this!

6. As a kid, I was…
Always kicking a football around.

7. My guilty pleasure is…
Peanut butter – I can’t get enough of it!

8. The most important thing I’ve learned in the last five years is…
To relax about things I can’t control, and concentrate on the things I can.

9. I’m happiest when…
I’m walking my dogs on the beach with a coffee.

10. To me, the best thing about the Macquarie community is…
How welcoming it has been. Having recently started at the University I was amazed at how quickly you feel included. With this also comes the feeling of support, which when first starting in a new role is hugely important.





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  1. Hey Paul … it was great to meet you virtually through our New Manager Essentials’ program … keen to hear more about your renovations and bungy jumping experience at the next session … welcome to Macquarie 🙂

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