Income Statements (Payment Summaries) for Financial Year 2019/2020

In the last year, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has introduced a new income recording and reporting process for employers and employees.

The introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) requires the University to report on the tax and super information to the ATO as we run our Payroll each fortnight. This means that your Income Statement (previously known as a Payment Summary) is no longer issued by the University and instead is provided from the ATO directly through your MyGov account or directly from the ATO.

How do I access my Income Statement?

Once you have a myGov account set up and linked to ATO online services you should:

  1. Log in to myGov.
  2. Select ‘Australian Taxation Office’.
  3. Select (from the top of the screen) ‘Employment’ and then ‘Income Statements’.

Creating a MyGov account is not compulsory. In the event you do not have a MyGov account, then you can access your Income Statement through a Registered Tax Agent, or you can contact the ATO directly on 13 28 61 to obtain a copy after 1 August 2020.

Get further information on how to access your Income Statement.

When can I access my Income Statement?

You can view your income statement at any time throughout the financial year. However, once your income statement information is finalised it will be identified as ‘Tax ready’ in your MyGov account. To complete your tax return, you should wait until the information is ‘Tax ready’.

Please note:
Following the introduction of STP, the University’s Payroll team no longer have access to your Income Statement and are therefore unable to provide an Income Statement directly to employees





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