10 questions with…Professor David Gillatt


We get to  know Professor David Gillatt, Professor of Urological Oncology and Robotic Surgery, and Director of Medical Services at Macquarie University Hospital.

Professor Gillat is a key medical advisory member of MQ Health’s COVID-19 Taskforce, which was established in March to guide the Hospital during the pandemic as staff prepared for a possible surge in COVID cases.

Before taking up both his clinical and academic positions at MQ Health, Professor Gillatt was a leading prostate cancer surgeon in the UK.

Recognised as one of the world’s foremost robotic surgeons in the treatment of both prostate and bladder cancers, Professor Gillatt has performed more than 2000 major resections in his career.

1. In a nutshell, my job is to…

I am still a doctor and one or two days per week treat patients with urological conditions. In addition, I am part of an Executive Team which oversees delivery of care at MQ Health.

2. My definition of success is…
Delivering even more high quality medical and surgical care at Macquarie University Hospital.

3. A person at Macquarie who inspires me is…
Greg in Facilities, Abdul in Security and Maizie my EA. They quietly get on with the job.

4. This year I want to…
See the end of the COVID crisis and move forward to a great future.

5. The scariest thing I’ve ever done is…
Tell my kids I needed cardiac surgery and might not survive.

6. As a kid, I was…

7. My guilty pleasure is…
Too guilty to say.

8. The most important thing I’ve learned in the last five years is…
A new life and challenges are possible after 30 years in the NHS.

9. I’m happiest when…
England win at rugby (followed by Australia).

10. To me, the best thing about the Macquarie community is…
Just that – the Macquarie community and how it delivers exceptional care to our patients.





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