10 questions with… Sean Britten


Sean Britten is the Studio Coordinator at 2SER and can be heard Sydney-wide on 107.3FM, digital radio and at 2ser.com. The station has studios in Macquarie University’s Faculty of Arts Building and at UTS.

(1) In a nutshell, my job is to…
Help introduce Macquarie students and other interested people into the world of radio. 2SER is coming up to 40 years old and over that time it has given tens of thousands of people their first real taste of what it’s like to work in Australia’s media landscape. I also liaise with Macquarie academics who have good stories for radio programs and help them get on-air.

(2) The question I hear most often in my work is…
“How do I get my own show?” I’m afraid it’s not as easy as some people think! Although we’re always happy to hear ideas, 2SER has a very full roster of shows and talented presenters. New program ideas require concept development and planning. We start by improving people’s skills like producing and presenting rather than throwing them into the deep end.

(3) The thing I find most rewarding in my role is…
Seeing students and volunteers who’ve been willing to put in the work and take advantage of their opportunities while studying moving onto fulfilling jobs.

(4) This year I want to…
Continue to grow 2SER as a station and get more of our content I help create out into the world. The voices and research you hear on the station are unique in the media landscape and I think that’s really worthwhile. On a personal level, I would like to expand my podcasting and writing.

(5) The bravest thing I’ve done is…
Published my first book, or any of the subsequent ones. It’s not easy putting a product that is so thoroughly you and you alone out for the world to see.

(6) My mother/father always told me…
My father always told me to have a fall-back career. I didn’t listen, hence why I work in radio. No regrets on that either.

(7) My guilty pleasure is…
Old school Godzilla movies and anything involving zombies, no matter how terrible.

(8) I’m scared of…
Death, failure and chimpanzees – horrible creatures, like human beings without 20,000 years of civilising influences.

(9) My hidden talent is…
I’m not sure I have many hidden talents. I’m already trying to stretch what little I’ve been given to the maximum. I do have a pretty encyclopaedic knowledge of song lyrics though, in spite of a total lack of musical or singing ability.

(10) Something I’ve never done but wanted to try is…
Skydiving. It seems so exhilarating yet peaceful.

Recent podcasts:

If you’re interested in sharing your research and being featured in the Leading Lights podcast series please email The Lighthouse Editor, Angie Kelly.





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