Making connections


With over 10,000 staff working in 80+ different departments and units, spread over a 126-hectare campus, it’s no surprise that many Macquarie staff can sometimes feel disconnected from each other.

Although Macquarie is well known for our interdisciplinary approach, the dreaded silo effect can sometimes make collaboration and connection difficult. A number of exciting projects are currently underway to help staff communicate more easily across departments (stay tuned to This Week for more details later in the year) but in the meantime, here are some ideas for ‘busting out’ of your silo and expanding your Macquarie social circle.

Make the effort

How often do we tell our new students: “your university experience is what you make it.” Many of us could take the same advice, and make the effort to take part in events and activities on campus.

There are so many events offer throughout the year – public lectures from visiting academics, the monthly staff wellbeing lunch and learn series, tours of Art Gallery exhibitions, and all-staff events like the upcoming Gender Equity Week. Each one is an opportunity to meet and connect with colleagues that share your interests. At the end of the event, why not introduce yourself to someone and ask what he or she thought of it? It’s a great conversation starter and could lead to a beautiful friendship.

Check out the Events Calendar to see what’s on  >>

Test it out

Macquarie academics are often seeking staff to participate in research studies. Aside from giving you a bit of extra pocket money, taking part in these studies can make you feel more connected to Macquarie’s purpose, and gives you a chance to meet people in an entirely different part of the University.

Check out the new Studies seeking participants page on the This Week site to see which studies are currently recruiting >>

Give… and you shall receive

You can volunteer for programs like First Robotics or the HAWC program (where you’ll help our health and medical students hone their skills). You’ll be assisting our students and making new social connections. Win win!

But I’m too busy to leave my desk!

With many of us feeling flat-chat on our workdays, it can be hard to devote time for growing our professional networks. But with connectedness having a big impact on our job satisfaction and sense of wellbeing, it’s important that we prioritise this aspect of our working lives.

If you really can’t bear to be away from productive work, why not book into one of HR’s career development workshops? You’ll be developing job-relevant skills to make your work life easier, and it’s a chance to meet people from around the University.

Eating lunch at your desk everyday? Make the effort to take a proper lunchbreak and get out of the office and into the campus community. Grab a bite at the Staff Café or do a lunchtime group fitness class at the Sport and Aquatic Centre. It’ll be worth the effort, we promise.

Or why not explore campus life after work? Book into one of astronomy’s regular observatory sessions or take part in evening social sport – the netball, basketball and touch football competitions are a great way to meet new people at the same time as improving your health.

At the end of the day, you’ll never feel connected to your colleagues if you never leave your desk. So get up and get out there!

Have you got a tip for connecting with other staff on campus? We’d love to hear it in the comments below!





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