Student Success Strategic Framework: staff feedback invited

The University’s Student Success Strategic Framework was launched last week at an all-staff Town Hall:

No matter where each of us work, we all play a part in student success. Your input on this framework is vital and a staff consultation phase is now open.

You are invited to review the Student Success Strategic Framework Green Paper and/or listen to the Town Hall Echo360 recording and provide comments, ideas and feedback.

There are four x $100 Macquarie Centre gift cards and one top prize of a $500 Macquarie Centre gift card on offer for the most innovative ideas that are clearly focused around student success. Students will help us decide the winners, so put yourself in their shoes when you think about sharing your ideas.

As you review the paper, think about how can we improve the framework: What’s missing? Is it clear? Does it make sense? How can we focus on students and their success even more?

The deadline for feedback and entry to the competition is Friday 30 November.





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