Our 2018 Learning and Teaching Award winners


The 2018 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Award winners with the Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Learning and Teaching Professor Dominique Parrish.

Our connected intelligence was on show last Wednesday at the 2018 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards.

The awards recognise and celebrate Macquarie staff that are applying bold new thinking in their practice, helping create a vibrant learning environment that inspires student success.

The Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton was joined by Professor Dominique Parrish, our new Pro Vice-Chancellor of Learning and Teaching, to present all the talented winners with their awards.

The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the importance of the occasion, being “an opportunity to thank our outstanding academic and professional staff who have worked hard this year to move us closer to our goal of building a culture of transformative learning in a research-enriched environment.”

Two weeks into the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Learning and Teaching role, Professor Parrish reflected: “the awards event was an impressive introduction to Macquarie learning and teaching innovators and leaders. I think it is so important to celebrate and acknowledge the efforts and initiatives of such keen and talented educators and I look forward to engaging further on many different levels with the broader Macquarie learning and teaching community”.

Our congratulations to all the winners:

Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence

Dr Penny Van Bergen (Faculty of Human Sciences)
A previous winner of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Programs that Enhance Student Learning, and an Australian Government Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, Dr Van Bergen is recognised for her inspiring and engaging approach as a teacher and research mentor for undergraduate students in the Department of Education Studies.

With an active research interest in memory, Dr Van Bergen offers her students a unique understanding of the psychology of learning, enhancing their skills as future teachers.

Dr Penny Van Bergen discusses the role of memory in education: Getting it right: Why memory matters

Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning

Human Anatomy Program
Team leader: Associate Professor Goran Strkalj (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Team members: Anneliese Hulme (Faculty of Science and Engineering); Associate Professor Richard Appleyard, Dr Mirjana Strkalj (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences); Michael Rampe (Faculty of Arts).

Find out how this team has transformed anatomy into a vibrant, student-centred program for students in several different degree programs: Anatomy program a winner (no bones about it)

Excel Skills for Business
Team leader: Dr Yvonne Breyer (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Team members: Nicole Bull, Phil Goody, Prashan Karunaratne, Tim Keighley (Faculty of Business and Economics); Nathan Sollars (Faculty of Arts).

In partnering with online learning platform Coursera, this team delivered a high-quality, transformative Excel education to a global community. The course – which is available for free to Macquarie staff – has received rave reviews from more than 60,000 learners worldwide in its first year. 

Vice-Chancellor’s Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning

Carolyn Kennett (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
For empowering students to become confident, flexible and creative users of mathematics.

Dr Jillian Kramer (Faculty of Arts)
For developing strategies that inspire and motivate cultural studies students to engage with critical theory and analytical skills that will equip them for life-long learning.

Dr Alys Moody (Faculty of Arts)
For building students’ independence and engagement by making challenging concepts relevant to their lives in 200-level English units.

Dr Karen Peebles (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences)
Building Bridges: using a physiological approach to help students understand the integrated nature of body systems to develop outstanding physiotherapy practice and research.

Dr Murray Taylor (Faculty of Business and Economics) – Early Career
For excellence in shaping immersive learning environments that support diverse cohorts and positively impact student, educator and institutional engagement.

Dr Kerry-Ann O’Sullivan and Dr Jennifer Barr (Faculty of Human Sciences)
For supporting Initial Teacher Education students to prepare and enhance their literacy skills for professional accreditation through the innovative provision of self-directed online learning resources.

Winners of Student-Led Awards in each faculty were also presented with award certificates from the Manager, Campus Engagement Ms Nicole Saunders. These staff have all made significant contributions to the quality of student learning in their specific disciplines.
Our congratulations to: 

Faculty of Arts
Dr Michelle Hamadache, Dr Liza Rybak and Dr Rebecca Sheehan

Faculty of Business and Economics
Tasneem Husain and Keith Woodward
Learn more about Tasneem in our This Week story: How to be a great teacher.

Faculty of Human Sciences
Associate Professor Kevin Brooks

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Associate Professor Taryn Jones and Dr Elizabeth-Ann Schroeder

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Dr Gaurav Gupta and Lachlan Roach

Visit the Learning and Teaching pages to view previous Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Award recipients.





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