Research handbook explores the future of the oil and gas industry


The future trajectory of the oil and gas industry is a subject of intense scrutiny, drawing from the lessons of the past and the influence of legal frameworks.


tina-soloman-hunter-and-madeline-taylor_450x300Investigating this concept is the Research Handbook on Oil and Gas Law, edited by Professor Tina Soliman Hunter and Dr Madeline Taylor, Macquarie Law School (both pictured left). Professor Soliman Hunter and Dr Taylor are Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the Centre for Energy and Natural Resources Innovation and Transformation (CENRIT).

The research handbook is structured into three distinct parts, each shedding light on a different facet of the oil and gas landscape. Initially, it discusses the historical dominance of oil, tracing the evolution and impact of legal instruments and regulatory frameworks governing the petroleum sector. Drawing upon multiple case studies from different jurisdictions, it then switches focus to the present, offering an examination of existing petroleum legal systems and their relevance in the modern world.

As the narrative unfolds, the research handbook closes with a series of forward-looking chapters that cast a discerning eye on the future challenges and opportunities awaiting the oil and gas industry. It delves into how petroleum-dependent nations can navigate the shifting energy landscape, exploring the dual roles of regulation and facilitation during this age of energy transition.

“The age of oil and gas is not dead,” says Professor Soliman Hunter. “We still produce more than 93 million barrels of oil per day. This book is topical and relevant, with its value lying in its in-depth analysis of important issues such as arbitration, indigenous peoples, and the Russian fuel and energy complex conflict with Ukraine.”

The handbook serves as an invaluable resource for regulators, policymakers, corporations, and legal practitioners who are engaged with the multifaceted dynamics and implications of the future energy landscape.






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