Identity-Based Brand Management, co-authored by Rico Piehler


Identity-Based Brand Management is a new textbook co-authored by Department of Marketing Senior Lecturer Dr Rico Piehler. The book provides marketing students and practitioners with an up-to-date, theoretically sound, practice-oriented and easy-to-understand overview of identity-based brand management – how to manage a business’s personality and promise to its customers to ensure its brand is successful.

The textbook covers not only the traditionally featured external perspective of branding, but also the internal perspective, considered at all stages of the brand management process and supported by practical examples.

Unique among brand management textbooks, Identity-based Brand Management introduces a holistic brand management process that comprises strategic, operational and control stages. It covers topics such as brand objectives, identity, image, positioning, architecture and evolution at the strategic level. At the operational level, brand elements, management of touchpoints and the customer journey, and marketing-mix implementations are discussed, while performance measurement and brand valuation are explored at the control level.

Finally, it delivers special use cases for identity-based brand management in specific contexts, such as the international context, the retail sector, social media and online brand platforms.

Identity-Based Brand Management is available here.





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