CACW Monthly meeting – An overview of the ELders AT Ease (ELATE) Program

Dr Joanna Waloszek presents an overview of the ELders AT Ease (ELATE) Program: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a sustainable and scalable mental health service for Australian residential aged care facilities.

Tuesday the 30 August at 2pm.

The meeting will be held face to face in the Australian Hearing Hub -AHH-L3-Marri Meeting Room 3.610 or via Zoom.

Dr Waloszek is a researcher at the Department of Psychological Sciences at Swinburne University of Technology. She is currently the Research Project Manager of the ELATE Program – a randomised controlled trial of a CBT/reminiscence-based psychological treatment program for residents experiencing depression in aged care, as well as support for families and staff.

Dr Waloszek completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Melbourne and has experience conducting large scale research trials with vulnerable populations. Her main research interests include psychophysiology, mental health, early intervention/prevention, ageing, and sleep.

Dr Waloszek will give an overview of the ELATE Program as well as a discussion around some of the benefits, challenges and lessons learned while conducting research in residential aged care. The content will draw on Joanna’s personal experience conducting research with older adults in residential aged care as well as the 30+ years of experience from her Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults team at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Victoria

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