10 questions with… Casey Minissale


We chat with Casey Minissale who is the General Manager of MindSpot, a free service for Australians who are experiencing difficulties with anxiety, stress, depression and low mood.

The MindSpot team do incredible work such as providing assessment and treatment courses, and also connect people with local services, which can help their recovery.

Casey loves her role at MindSpot, particularly the mentorship side. She also has a great love of animals such as her beautiful 12-week-old puppy, Remy (pictured). However, this fondness for animals lessens greatly when it comes to large, hairy eight-legged friends.

1. In a nutshell, my job is to…
Manage the financial and contractual obligations of the Commonwealth and WA Primary Health Alliance grants that fund MindSpot and PORTS. I also lead the Clinic Support Services team which provides operational services to the clinics. My role requires me to interact with colleagues across MQ Health and the University. It’s very busy and I love it.

2. My definition of success is…
Being a good mentor. Seeing people develop their skills, take on new opportunities and grow their careers is really satisfying. Watching people shine in their role is the best part of my job.

3. A person at Macquarie who inspires me is…
Mark Broomfield, Director of Property. His talent, dedication, patience and commitment to making Macquarie both beautiful and functional is inspirational.

4. This year I want to…
Improve my mindfulness skills. Working in mental health has taught me the importance of managing stress and trying not to sweat the small stuff.

5. As a kid, I was…
Often bringing new pets home. I worked at a vet while I was in high school, and at one stage we had dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds and a horse. My parents were very tolerant.

6. My guilty pleasure is…
Snakes from The Natural Confectionery Company.

7. I’m scared of…
Large spiders that play dead. Two come to mind; Huntsmans and Wolf Spiders.

8. I’m happiest when…
I’m at home with my family. We relocated to the Central Coast last year and it’s been an amazing sea and tree change.

9. If I had the day off today, you would find me…
Spending time with my black Labrador puppy, Remy. He is 12 weeks old and full of energy – something which is not appreciated by my two cats.

10. To me, the best thing about the Macquarie community is…
Its honesty and inclusiveness. Macquarie has the most consultative culture I’ve ever worked within. It is a unique and special place to be.





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