Executive update: FSE, MQBS and DVC-A

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Further to the announcement of Professor Magnus Nydén’s appointment as Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Professor Nydén commenced in the role yesterday, working remotely until his arrival in Australia, expected next month.

Magnus will be addressing Faculty staff at an FSE town hall in early July.

Macquarie Business School
Following the departure of Professor Stephen Brammer as Executive Dean of Macquarie Business School, Professor Leonie Tickle, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, last week commenced in the role of the Business School’s Interim Executive Dean.

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
As announced by email, Professor Kevin Jameson has taken the decision to retire from Macquarie on 31 July, timing his departure to assist in the University’s response to COVID-19 to a point in Semester 2 where a level of stability will have returned to the University’s academic life, albeit in a changed form.

Kevin commenced at Macquarie University dates in 1988. He has held senior academic leadership roles for the past nine years and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for the past three years.





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