10 questions with… Nicholle McNiece


We chat with Business and Administrative Officer for the Centre for Emotional Health, Nicholle McNiece, who reveals a surprising secret talent.

1. In a nutshell, my job is to…
Ensure business continuity for the Centre for Emotional Health (CEH) on all levels internal and external to the University. Beyond the ‘usual’, I explore and support new opportunities to help maximise the reach and impact of the CEH team through the programs they have developed to reduce anxiety throughout people’s lifespans.

2. My definition of success is…
Knowing you’ve done the best you can for yourself and for those around you.

3. A person at Macquarie that inspires me is…
On the academic side, Professor Jennie Hudson is an inspiration for her research achievements and collaborative efforts, which have provided positive societal impact in reducing anxiety in children.

On the professional side, Avril Moss, the Department of Psychology Manager. Avril brings such a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and always finds time to help new team members learn the ways of the University.

4. This year I want to…
Continue to live life to the fullest by exploring new parts of the world I’ve not yet experienced, and hopefully improve my learning of a new language.

5. The bravest thing I’ve done is…
Move to the other side of the world to follow my dreams, leaving the safety net of my family for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study in London at the Royal Academy of Music.

6. My hidden talent is…
Musical production, singing and dancing on stage!

7. Something I’m proud of is…
Having achieved my Wharton Certificate of Professional Development – Marketing, resulting from the executive education programs I undertook at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania to enrich my professional skills and sense of personal achievement.

8. I’m happiest when…
I’m at home, whether that be with my family, my pets and my friends, or sitting at my piano having a quiet sing-a-long to some of the old classics I love.

9. If I had the day off today, you would find me…
At the beach listening to the sound of the ocean and soaking up the fresh air.

10. To me, the best thing about the Macquarie community is…
How we embrace diversity and support each other’s journeys. It’s wonderful seeing our community unite in the knowledge and understanding that even if you share the same life goal as a colleague or classmate, everyone has the opportunity to create their own unique path to reach that goal, and that no matter the path you choose, your life will be enriched by the experience.





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  1. This is lovely Nicholle. Love question 10. – so true. You are such a star and what an exciting life you have had. Who would have guessed. I’m with you on question 9!!! Relax and have a good Easter.

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