10 questions with… Tania Currie


Tania has taken on a new role with the Macquarie Business School to develop a School-wide career and employability strategy. Tania is interested in research related to student employability and career self-management, curriculum embedded-career development learning, the role of universities in employability/career learning and how universities can prepare students for the future of work/active citizenship in the 21st century.

(1) In a nutshell, my job is to…
Develop a careers and employability strategy for the recently branded Macquarie Business School. It’s an exciting opportunity (not without its challenges!) but something I’m really passionate about and thrilled to have the chance to do.

(2) The thing I find most rewarding in my role is…
Collaborating with colleagues across the University and finding ways to integrate career development learning into our teaching and processes. I love it when there’s a breakthrough and together we come up with a creative way to connect career learning into what students experience. It’s exciting when you start with nothing and then develop something which is all the stronger and more meaningful for students as a result of working collectively and leveraging people’s different perspectives and areas of expertise.

(3) This year I want to…
Get back into camping with my kids … and take up kayaking. I miss being out on the water.

(4) The bravest thing I’ve done is…
White water rafting in Peru before the start of a four-day hike into Machu Pichu. I’ve never been so terrified in all my life.

(5) A place that’s special to me is…
The Hawkesbury/Pittwater. I grew up in a boating family and spent every school holiday on the boat sailing around Pittwater and the Hawkesbury. It brings back so many lovely memories and even though it’s not far away, you feel like you’re really on holiday, you’ve had a real break, even after only one night.

(6) My guilty pleasure is…
Red wine and cheese. And, I’m ashamed to admit… watching Love Island UK with my 15-year-old daughter.

(7) I’m scared of…
Although I’m trying to work on this – I recently did a tree tops adventure with my son in Cumberland Forest which was a big deal for me as you complete an obstacle course high up in the forest canopy. It was one of the most satisfying but personally challenging things I’ve done in a while.

(8) My hidden talent is…
Guessing or predicting the time. I don’t know about it being a talent, but often when my kids or friends ask the time, I can guess it accurately to the minute.

(9) Something I’ve never done but wanted to try is…
Cross country skiing. My mum is Finnish so I’ve heard a lot about it from her and would love to give it a try one day.

(10) A moment I’ll always remember is…
When my daughter was born. My husband and I had been watching an SBS series on babies and their development just before her arrival. The show had mentioned newborn babies’ ability to mimic simple actions and my husband and I were a little sceptical. My daughter was only minutes old and I can remember my husband sticking out his tongue and our daughter copying him for a few minutes. It was quite remarkable and an unforgettable moment.





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