Have your say – should Macquarie’s campus be smoke free?

The University’s Share the Air (smoking on campus) key stakeholder working party would like to encourage you to have your say on how we share the air on campus. Please complete the following survey in relation to smoking on campus.

The survey findings will assist the working party to gauge the University community’s current position regarding smoking on campus. The Share the Air team will then develop an implementation action plan for Council consideration.





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  1. I have just completed the survey, and had hoped there would be an opportunity to comment. While I do not object to having designated areas for smokers, they need to be enforced. The habit of students smoking around the stairs to the car park opposite the library should be stopped. It is quite difficult for a non-smoker to climb stairs in a cloud of smoke!

  2. yes please – I know it is difficult to implement at first but it will provide a nicer environment.

  3. Thank you for your input. Your comments will be considered and we look forward to your engagement as we progress.
    Share the Air (smoking on campus) working party.

  4. While I don’t smoke (and never would) I’m not prepared to force more restrictions on those who choose otherwise. Besides, returning to Macquarie after some time, I have not encountered smoking

    1. Thank you for your input. These comments will be considered and we look forward to your engagement as we progress.
      Share the Air (smoking on campus) working group.

  5. This survey doesn’t particularly leave room for other options. The issue is that current designated smoking areas are not enforced. Students (and staff) regularly smoke on the stairs of the car park directly opposite the library – which also happens to be right next to security. The lawns of the smoking area outside W6A also seem to be a free for all, with people stepping onto the grass to smoke and considering this the ‘area’ even though it is about 30 metres away from the designated zone. These areas are thoroughfares that are now populated with cigarette butts and second hand smoke; non-smokers must walk past them to get to and from populated places. We don’t need a re-evaluation of whether the campus should be smoke free. We need proper enforcement of the actual areas.

    1. Completely agree that the current areas not being enforced is a huge problem at the moment. There are people regularly smoking right underneath the “no smoking” signs under the car park opposite the library. Thanks to the changes to the (consistently empty) F5A car park, I now have the pleasure of walking through this alleged “no smoking” area to get to and from my car. The paths around the accommodation near Macquarie Centre is another area that seems to attract smokers. What is the point of having these areas if they aren’t enforced?

      Not allowing for comment on this survey as well is poor design, surely you would like to know the reason behind these selections. Wouldn’t you want to know why people don’t care about having designated smoking areas?

      Additionally I’m able to vote multiple times in this survey through the link above, you might want to select “prevent ballot box stuffing” in Qualtrics survey options next time to prevent this.

    2. Just saw Elizabeth Smith’s comment and that is exactly the main issue with smoking on campus right now.
      The designated smoking zones are not being adhered to by students, if it was then non-smokers who do not wish to experience second hand smoke can have that right. I walk down Wally’s walk near Wally’s walk cafe towards W6A and I always have to breath in cigarette smoke because people are smoking so close to the walk way. Once I walked through that designated smoke area and the lawn and I have to say its disgusting to see more cigarette butts than grass. That is also another issue – Bin your butt.

      Moving towards a smoke free campus would be the dream, its essential but its not going to be easy. In the meantime it would be great to see some ways of getting people to only smoke in designated zones. Hopefully …

  6. Hi,
    I went to this survey and am surprised that there was not space for thoughtful comments or indeed any comments. How can such a survey help inform anybody, surely we should be able to provide a more nuanced approach or suggestions than just yes, no, I don’t care! And there doesn’t seem to be an email address that I can even send these comments to so I am making them here.

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