Have you volunteered with HIV/AIDS-related organisations?

Volunteers played a critical part in Australia’s response to the HIV/AIDS epidemics, but their contribution is yet to be fully acknowledged. This project is interested in the roles they played, the impact of their involvement on both individuals and HIV/AIDS organisations, and the place of these volunteers in Australian history. 

“It is crucial we acknowledge the role that volunteers played in managing what threatened to become one of the biggest public health crises in this country in the twentieth century,” explains Project Leader Dr. Shirleene Robinson. “Many of the men and women who served as volunteers were members of marginalised communities and their role has never properly been recognised.”

Along with capturing the stories and experiences of HIV/AIDS volunteers, this study will also shed light on the role volunteers play in times of crisis and how they can be best supported.

This project is being conducted by Dr Shirleene Robinson and Associate Professor Robert Reynolds at Macquarie University, and Associate Professor Paul Sendziuk at the University of Adelaide, with support from the Australian Research Council. The project has ethics approval from both universities (MQ Ethics: 5201600210).

Interested participants can learn more about the project and express interest in being interviewed online

For further information, contact Dr. Shirleene Robinson on 02 9850 7087 or shirleene.robinson@mq.edu.au 





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