Retirement of Professor John Simons as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

At its most recent meeting, Professsor John Simons advised the Executive Group of his intention to retire as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) towards the end of this year. Professor Simons’ retirement marks the closing of a distinguished career in academia in both the UK and Australia spanning almost 40 years.

Since he joined the University in 2009 as the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, much has changed on this campus and in the world of higher education more broadly. John’s leadership of that faculty and his development of its staff and academic quality distinguished him in the University community, and his enthusiasm for its mission and its people saw him appointed as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) in 2014.

“John has contributed much to our ongoing ascent as a world-class University,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton. “His development of the Learning and Teaching Plan as a key part of our broader strategic framework has been crucial in reforming our academic offerings and preparing us for the future of higher education. His custodianship of the University Art Gallery, Chairmanship of the MGSM board, and deep involvement with our Indigenous engagement and reconciliation strategy reflect a man of diverse interests, genuine goodwill and extraordinary dedication.

“As a member of the University’s Executive Group, he has provided fresh insights from unique perspectives. His contributions have been thoughtful, illuminating and, often, highly entertaining. I will miss him and his inimitable style during those meetings very much.”

John has no plans to slow down in his retirement: the publication of a novel (with more planned), the completion of a book on a hippopotamus that lived in Victorian England and the production of handwoven fabrics of his own design are just a few of the many projects and interests he plans to complete.

“I have no doubt that, not only will he find ample time to do these and much more, but that he will excel at each in ways that only he can. I wish him every success in these endeavours, and a happy, if not peaceful, retirement in Tasmania,” said Professor Dowton.

Arrangements for Professor Simons’ departure and a formal farewell will be announced later this year.





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  1. John Simons was a great Dean of Arts, is a gifted administrator and a truly creative force! Will be sadly missed. All the best in retirement!

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