In the media

We are keen to hear your story ideas so we can potentially tell a wider audience about the good things happening at the University. There are several proactive steps you can take in partnership with the Communications team:

  • Are you happy to comment on your area of expertise in the media? Introduce yourself to our team so we can match you up with the right opportunities. Call (02) 9850 6766 or email and inform us of your area of expertise and current mobile number. We will not share your mobile number with media or others without your permission. This is for us to contact you swiftly as media opportunities arise that are relevant to you.
  • Got a specific story you’d like to share?
    Spend five minutes filling in this simple briefing form to get us up to speed – make sure you notify us in plenty of time!
  • Do you use a work-associated Twitter handle (eg, @yourname)? Let us know!
    Are you active on Twitter? Knowing your Twitter handle means we can ‘tag’ you in tweets from the popular Macquarie University account, so your work and media successes link back to you. Email
  • Does your expertise cover science, technology or health science topics? Register as an expert in Scimex (Science Media Exchange)
    From the Australian Science Media Centre, Scimex is a website for journalists, scientists and research organisations. It offers upcoming news digests to science journalists, and profiles individuals in their field of expertise to encourage accurate reporting of science stories – register your profile now!
  • Looking to upskill before speaking to media?
    The communications team, in collaboration with renowned broadcaster Richard Morecroft, offers free media training for staff who engage with media. Register for one of our 2016 seminars: Foundations of Media Engagement. Places are limited.

If you are interested in receiving regular updates on where Macquarie appears in the media, you can also sign up to our daily media report, sent directly to your inbox. Notify the Communications team to join the mailing list:

Recent Macquarie stories

Professor David McAlpine, Director of Hearing Research at the Australian Hearing Hub, contributed the article ‘Just turn that music down’ in The Australian, commenting on the dangers to hearing during the music festival season. The opinion piece was widely mentioned across radio and television, and Professor McAlpine was interviewed on ABC News 24 and ABC radio, as well as 2GB’s Sydney Live program and 2UE.

Professor Culum Brown from the Department of Biological Sciences provided comment to The New York Times about his research which tracks the movements of sharks to gain insight into their social behaviour. The research found that sharks appear to seek the company of other sharks. Further coverage then appeared in the Australian Financial Review.





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